Thursday, December 17, 2015
When Food Drives a Wedge Between You and Your Teeth

You enjoyed that popcorn you ate at the movies last week. But the enjoyment is gone now that a husk is stuck firmly and painfully between your tooth and gum. Some foods, such as popcorn, are notorious for getting stuck in the teeth. When the particles cannot be easily removed, food impaction―the forceful wedging of food or other foreign material between the gum tissues and teeth—may occur.
Teeth or implants with large spaces between them are susceptible to food wedging. Receding gums, whether from aging or gum disease, can also cause gaps between the teeth and gums where food may become trapped. Faulty implants or crowns can be guilty as well.
Food that remains wedged over a period of time can become impacted, leading to pain, inflammation and difficulty chewing. Left untreated, food impaction can have very serious consequences. Inflamed tissue is less resistant to bacteria and can allow more debris to become entrapped. Over time, an infection can develop and cause further destruction of gum tissue and bone. The ultimate result could be tooth loss.
You need to see us right away for a thorough evaluation if you suspect impacted food, particularly if inflammation has already set in. In addition to a clinical examination, we will probably take an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis of food impaction, after which we will design a treatment plan.
Treatment usually involves irrigation of the area, often with a warm saline or antiseptic solution. Should all food particles and inflammatory matter not be removed during irrigation, we will continue debris and plaque removal using periodontal instruments, a procedure much like having your teeth cleaned. If the impaction has been caused by a weakened implant or crown, we may need to replace the restoration. We may prescribe antibiotics to treat any infection.
By maintaining meticulous dental hygiene, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy. And healthy teeth and gums resist food impaction.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Cruising with Removable Partial Dentures

Now that your dentist has recommended removable partial dentures to improve your smile, you are probably champing at the bit with questions (pun most definitely intended). It may take some time to get used to your new dental apparatus, but like driving a stick shift, it will quickly become second nature. The journey to comfort can be easier if you keep the following “rules of the road” in mind:
- Give it time. At first, eating and speaking while wearing dentures may feel uncomfortable. As long as the appliance has been fitted correctly, this should be temporary. Eat soft foods cut into small pieces, and avoid items that are sticky or hard-to-chew. Chew slowly, using both sides of your mouth. Practice speaking by reading aloud in private, repeating any difficult sounds. The good news is that your dentures should eventually improve both your eating and speaking.
- Keep them clean. First, brush your dentures daily and be sure to remove any food particles and plaque with either a denture toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush. Use an American Dental Association (ADA)-approved denture cleaner, a mild dishwashing liquid or hand soap. Toothpaste and household cleaners are too abrasive and may damage your dentures.
- Moisture is a denture’s best friend. When dentures dry out, they often lose their shape. Store your dentures in a commercial denture solution or a glass of water when they are not in your mouth.
- Watch the fit. Dentures that start feeling loose or uncomfortable signal that you should see us for an adjustment. Do-it-yourself kits are not a great idea because if you make a mistake, you can end up ruining the denture altogether. But don’t ignore a poorly fitting denture; wearing one that doesn’t fit properly can lead to mouth sores, bite problems, temporomandibular joint problems and other dental issues.
A removable partial denture can benefit your smile as well as your dental health. Come to us with any questions or concerns. And take heart: Soon you will cruise comfortably with your removable partial denture and hardly think twice about it.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Win the Battle Against Bad Breath

Nothing’s worse than sitting next to someone with bad breath on a cross-country or international flight. Unless, of course, you’re the person emitting the offensive odor. Knowing that you have smelly breath (halitosis) and being unsure of what to do about it can be extremely embarrassing.
Bad breath can actually result from several different issues: decaying or infected teeth and gums; eating food with particularly pungent odors; food or bacteria in the teeth or on the tongue; dry mouth; even certain diseases unrelated to dental health. If you are one of the 80 million people suffering from halitosis, a thorough cleaning and examination in our office is a good place to start.
Once you are sure that the bad breath isn’t being caused by a condition necessitating medical or dental treatment, you can try the following tips to maintain fresh, pleasant breath:
- Brush and floss (twice a day for brushing, once a day for flossing). That keeps food from getting stuck in your teeth and eliminates breath-wrecking plaque.
- Gently clean your tongue every day. Use a tongue scraper or toothbrush to remove the odor-causing bacteria, dead cells and food particles that can linger there.
- Keep your mouth moist. Saliva is your body’s natural breath freshener; so if you’re plagued with dry mouth, talk to us about solutions.
- Chew sugarless gum. Unlike sugary mints or candy, sugarless gum helps stimulate breath-saving saliva without the acid-causing effects that can lead to decay.
- Eat crisp, fresh fruits and vegetables. They stimulate saliva flow, too.
- Use an antibacterial mouthwash. Or you can just swish some water mixed with peppermint oil after eating to remove bacteria and mask the odors on your breath.
- Avoid foods with pungent, sharp odors. Foods such as garlic and onions actually cause bad breath internally. Even if you have removed all traces of them from your teeth, you may still be burping up last night’s garlic pesto. Steer clear of these foods if you’re concerned about your breath.
- Quit smoking. Not only do cigarettes leave the lingering smell of tobacco on your lips but they also dry out your mouth.
Should these solutions fail to alleviate or eliminate your bad breath, there is no reason to suffer in silence. At your next regular appointment, talk to us about improving your breath.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Brush Up Your Toothbrush Facts and Fictions

Along with dental floss, a toothbrush is one of your most important weapons in fighting gum disease and tooth decay. While some dental practitioners contend that toothbrushes need to be sanitized regularly to prevent the spread of disease, neither we nor the American Dental Association nor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend doing so. There is no clinical evidence that “sanitizing” one’s toothbrush—for example, soaking it in an antibacterial mouth rinse—has any effect on oral or systemic health.
We do, however, recommend the following tips for taking care of your toothbrush:
- Replace your toothbrush regularly. In time, the bristles on your toothbrush become frayed and worn, and this decreases its effectiveness. Keep track of how long you have used your brush, and replace it every 3 to 4 months—or sooner if the bristles are visibly frayed.
- Do not share toothbrushes. Sharing a toothbrush can result in an exchange of fluids or bacteria and lead to infection. This is a special concern for people with existing infections or compromised immune systems. Also, if you store several toothbrushes together, avoid cross-contamination by making sure they do not touch.
- Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with tap water after use. Make sure your toothbrush is free of toothpaste or debris before you store it, and let it dry before you use it again.
- Store your toothbrush upright in a dry, open area. A small, closed container can encourage moisture and bacteria growth.
A search of the Internet will yield additional tips that are not supported by medical research. These would include putting your toothbrush in a microwave or dishwasher, two appliances not designed for cleaning toothbrushes that may actually damage the toothbrush.
The tips above are all you need to ensure that your toothbrush remains a powerful weapon against tooth decay and gum disease. If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your toothbrush, ask us at your next appointment. We will be happy to discuss them with you.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Osteoporosis—Your Teeth Tell a Tale

Osteoporosis affects more than 10 million Americans. While it can strike anyone at any age, it is especially common among women aged 50 and older. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, it means that your bones are weaker and more prone to fracture. In addition to those individuals already diagnosed with osteoporosis, as many as 34 million Americans have low bone density, the first step on the road to osteoporosis.
Many people are not diagnosed with osteoporosis until they suffer a fracture—or come to our office. Even though we often associate it with hip fractures, osteoporosis can affect all bones of the body, including the jaw and the teeth. And because you probably visit our office more often than you do your general physician, we may be the first to spot low bone density or osteoporosis.
Some early signs of low bone density include
- loose or missing teeth
- bone loss in the jaw or around the teeth
- loose or ill-fitting dentures
- gum disease
Even if you have not experienced any of those conditions, low bone density may show up on a routine dental x-ray, an effective tool to distinguish people with osteoporosis from those with normal bone density. By comparing dental x-rays from one year to the next, we often can identify decreases in bone density.
You can help prevent low bone density by
- including Vitamin D and calcium (either from food or supplements) in your diet
- performing weight-bearing exercises
- avoiding smoking and excess alcohol consumption
Remember that dairy products are not the only sources of calcium in food. Broccoli, almonds, beans, salmon and leafy dark greens also contain good amounts of calcium.
There are many reasons to visit our office frequently for checkups and cleanings. Knowing that we are in a position to spot low bone density before anyone else can be one more reason to see us on a regular basis. And if you experience loose teeth or dentures, be sure to call us for an appointment, so that we can not only treat your problem but also identify its cause.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Share the Cup, Share the Germs

Let’s brush off one myth right away: Medically speaking, there’s no reason to toss your toothbrush and replace it after you’ve been ill to prevent reinfecting yourself with the same “bug.” Antibodies against whatever common viral or bacterial illness you’ve just experienced—such as a cold or strep throat—have built up in your body. That means that any germs remaining on your toothbrush won’t make you sick again.
However—and it’s a big however—if you live with other people, you still need to worry about infecting them. If you have a family member who has just been ill, you’re probably concerned that you and others might catch what he or she just had.
What rules should you apply to your home’s arsenal of oral health supplies? Some suggestions to help keep everyone healthier, no matter what point in the wellness/illness cycle you’re currently experiencing:
- After brushing, rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with hot water. Be sure to let it dry thoroughly—viruses, bacteria and fungi like dampness. Consider having two toothbrushes per person, so a dry one is always ready.
- Store toothbrushes belonging to different people as far away from each other as possible.
- Keep toothbrushes as distant from the toilet as you can. Always flush with the lid closed to prevent droplets from escaping and possibly landing on toothbrushes.
- Never share a common rinsing cup, whether made of glass, plastic or china. Instead, use the more sanitary choice: disposable paper cups. That’s what we do in our office.
- Wash your hands prior to and after brushing to keep germs on your skin from finding their way into your mouth.
- Replace your toothbrush every three months to ensure that the bristles aren’t too worn to clean your teeth effectively.
- While you or another family member is sick, don’t share the same tube of toothpaste.
At your next visit, ask us for more tips about keeping your home oral health supplies as clean and germ-free as possible.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Does Dental Work Make Your Blood Pressure Rise?

But if you know you have uncontrolled hypertension or you don’t know what your usual blood pressure is and it turns out to be very high, we may not be able to provide dental services to you until your blood pressure improves. Your safety in the dental chair is our priority; if you have very high blood pressure, we’re less able to ensure that safety.
The American Dental Association offers guidelines for blood pressure and dental treatment. A top number (systolic pressure) of less than 120 and a bottom number (diastolic pressure) of less than 80 is considered normal. A reading somewhere between 120/80 to 139/89 may reflect stress or pain (perhaps from the oral discomfort we’ll be treating) but should have no impact on your dental treatment. With a reading between 140/90 to 159/99, we will still perform the necessary dental work but will recommend that you consult a physician.
When your blood pressure is in the 160/100 to 179/109 range, however, you need to consult a physician soon, and we may decide not to perform any invasive procedures that day. With very high blood pressure—a systolic reading of 180 or higher and/or a diastolic reading of 110 or higher—we probably will not work on your teeth even in a dental emergency, although we will provide antibiotics or pain medication if necessary.
Should you or a loved one have hypertension, please consult your physician for treatment options as soon as possible. And be sure to keep your twice-yearly dental appointments. We can provide cleanings that not only benefit your teeth but help keep gingivitis at bay.
Monday, December 7, 2015
When Food Drives a Wedge Between You and Your Teeth

You enjoyed that popcorn you ate at the movies last week. But the enjoyment is gone now that a husk is stuck firmly and painfully between your tooth and gum. Some foods, such as popcorn, are notorious for getting stuck in the teeth. When the particles cannot be easily removed, food impaction―the forceful wedging of food or other foreign material between the gum tissues and teeth—may occur.
Teeth or implants with large spaces between them are susceptible to food wedging. Receding gums, whether from aging or gum disease, can also cause gaps between the teeth and gums where food may become trapped. Faulty implants or crowns can be guilty as well.
Food that remains wedged over a period of time can become impacted, leading to pain, inflammation and difficulty chewing. Left untreated, food impaction can have very serious consequences. Inflamed tissue is less resistant to bacteria and can allow more debris to become entrapped. Over time, an infection can develop and cause further destruction of gum tissue and bone. The ultimate result could be tooth loss.
You need to see us right away for a thorough evaluation if you suspect impacted food, particularly if inflammation has already set in. In addition to a clinical examination, we will probably take an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis of food impaction, after which we will design a treatment plan.
Treatment usually involves irrigation of the area, often with a warm saline or antiseptic solution. Should all food particles and inflammatory matter not be removed during irrigation, we will continue debris and plaque removal using periodontal instruments, a procedure much like having your teeth cleaned. If the impaction has been caused by a weakened implant or crown, we may need to replace the restoration. We may prescribe antibiotics to treat any infection.
By maintaining meticulous dental hygiene, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy. And healthy teeth and gums resist food impaction.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Sinus Infection: A Pain in the Teeth

Sinus inflammation can cause pain in your upper back teeth because they are located close to the sinuses. When an infection causes the sinuses to fill with fluid, the pressure can lead to a toothache in your upper back teeth.
If you have these symptoms, make an appointment to see us. We can examine your teeth and perform some tests to see if the pain has a dental origin. Typically, we will take an x-ray, ask if you have a history of sinusitis and inquire about other symptoms, such as nasal congestion, headache, tenderness over the sinuses and fever. These could indicate that your tooth pain is sinus-related.
We may also perform a percussion test by tapping on individual teeth to see whether that causes pain.
Generalized pain in multiple teeth is usually another indicator of sinus infection. If we rule out a dental cause for your tooth and facial pain, we will likely recommend that you see your physician for a sinus evaluation.
If your physician determines that you have sinusitis, he or she will often prescribe a decongestant to reduce the swollen nasal tissues. If your sinusitis has a bacterial component, you may need an antibiotic as well.
A toothache isn’t the only dental problem that may arise. Congested sinuses can cause you to breathe through your mouth, and people who breathe through their mouths develop plaque and tartar buildup more quickly because of dry mouth. Bad breath can also result from the infection. And sinus infections may make it difficult to practice good oral hygiene because of the discomfort involved.
It is important to treat a sinus infection before it actually causes a dental problem. The next time you have pain in your teeth, call our office. You’ll breathe easier.
Finding Oral Clues for Acid Reflux

When you settle into our dental chair, you may not feel as though you are visiting Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. But much of our work involves playing dental detective. Sometimes we may find the first clues that identify a systemic disease or disorder. When we see enamel worn away on molars or on the back of other teeth, and we can rule out tooth-grinding as a cause, the most likely suspect is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
How can a person have a condition as typically uncomfortable as GERD and not know it? After all, GERD is also known as acid reflux disease. People with GERD suffer from a malfunction of the esophageal sphincter, a kind of valve situated between the esophagus and stomach that normally prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. If the valve doesn’t close, the acid comes up. All that regurgitated acid usually spells heartburn.
But not everyone with GERD experiences heartburn. Other symptoms—which aren’t exclusive to GERD, and thus can throw clinicians off the GERD trail—can include dry mouth, chest pain, sore throat or the sensation of a lump in the throat. Although heartburn may eventually develop, we may be the first to see visible evidence of GERD: enamel loss.
Hydrochloric acid—the primary ingredient of what “comes up” during a reflux episode—is strong enough to destroy tooth enamel. Since enamel doesn’t regenerate, once it’s gone, it’s gone for good (and decay can more easily flourish). But if we catch GERD early enough and treat it aggressively, we can keep enamel destruction to a minimum.
What’s more, early treatment may help to avoid the other possible consequences of untreated long-term GERD. These range from inflammation and swallowing difficulties all the way to esophageal cancer.
Please be sure to keep your regularly scheduled oral health appointments. They not only give you clean teeth but provide a chance for us to view your mouth as a window into your overall health.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sleep Tight, Pearly White

How do you guard against dental disease? Proper nighttime oral hygiene. By following these easy steps, you can help your mouth stay healthy:
1. Brush away the day. For those more susceptible to decay, brush your teeth immediately after dinner, and then again right before bed. Lower-risk individuals can simply brush once before they go to sleep. (Ask us which category you’re in.) Make sure you use a good brushing technique, cleaning all the surfaces of your teeth with gentle, short strokes. And remember―don’t eat or drink anything except water after you brush, or you’ll need to brush all over again.
2. Don’t forget to floss. Even if you’re a champion brusher, flossing needs to be part of your nightly routine. Plaque builds up between your teeth, and it must be removed before it hardens. Little particles of food can also become wedged in there, and a toothbrush can’t always get rid of them. Without flossing, these particles act as a breeding ground for bacteria all through the night.
3. Consider using mouthwash. While not as important as brushing and flossing, specific mouthwashes can help strengthen teeth, prevent dry mouth and freshen breath. The additional rinse also helps ensure that anything brushing and flossing loosened up gets washed completely out of your mouth.
Perform all three of these steps every evening, and your mouth will thank you for it. After all, the rest of your body loves sleeping―shouldn’t your teeth enjoy a healthy night’s slumber as well?
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Choosing Toothpaste
Brushing your teeth is part of an oral hygiene routine that keeps your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. With such an important job, it is important that the right toothpaste is used. There are many different types of toothpaste to use, which is why we want our patients to know what to look for in the right toothpaste.
Toothpaste can come in different varieties, and choosing one depends on what you would like it do to. However, the most important quality is fluoride. Fluoride is the anti-cavity property that protects teeth from decay. It has been around for many years and has greatly reduced the amount of cavities Americans have.
When looking for toothpaste that also whitens your teeth, look for toothpaste that is also approved by the American Dental Association. Many whitening toothpastes work by including abrasives to polish away surface stains. While these abrasives are good for removing stains and plaque, too much of it can harm teeth. Choosing toothpaste with the ADA seal will ensure safe levels of abrasives.
For sensitive teeth, toothpastes with potassium nitrate or strontium chloride are great for blocking nerve pathways. Theses toothpastes need to be used for at least a month to see the best results.
Choosing toothpaste recommended by the ADA is deemed safe and effective; so you can feel secure choosing one of those. However, as with any health product, be on the lookout for any recalls or bad news.
For more info on oral care or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (703) 532-7858 or visiting our website,
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Intraoral Camera for Accurate and Efficient Treatment
Advanced technology allows us to provide our patients with safe, effective, and accurate treatment. This is why we choose to utilize the intraoral camera in our practice.
The intraoral camera is a device that allows us to take a deeper look inside of the mouth. We are able to zoom in and observe the mouth like never before. The intraoral camera is like a pen that we can move around inside of your mouth. The camera allows us to take still shots so that we can reference them in the future instead of relying on memory. It also allows us to display video instantly onto a monitor for a never-before seen observation. This allows our patients to see what we see for the first time.
Being able to store photos of the mouth, we can keep track of conditions and allow our patients to take home photos so they can keep track, as well. This allows for a more efficient treatment plan and cuts down on appointment times. Saving time and money is always a plus! These photos can also be sent to other doctors or insurance companies instantly.
Keeping our dental office updated with new technology allows us to provide our patients with the best care. To learn more about the technology we use in our dental office, call us at (703) 532 7858 or visit our website @
Friday, November 13, 2015
How to Cure Bad Breath
Bad breath is embarrassing and it can it be frustrating to deal with. Here at our office, we know how stubborn bad breath can be and want to offer our patients advice on how to get rid of bad breath and how to keep it away.
Bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth. In order to fight the odor, you need to fight the bacteria. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to brush and floss. In addition, while brushing your teeth, brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Replace your toothbrush every two or three months so you are not introducing bacteria into the mouth.
Keep your mouth hydrated. Bacteria thrive in dry mouth conditions. Therefore, drink plenty of water to make sure you are hydrated. Avoid alcoholic drinks and caffeinated drinks, as these dry out your mouth. If you need an energy boost, try green tea. The properties of green tea actually fight odor causing bacteria, so it keeps you hydrated and fresh. Also try using a mouthwash without alcohol in it.
If you have a dry mouth or sense bad breath, chewing mint leaves, parsley, or lemon rinds. The greens neutralize odors and the citrus in lemons stimulates saliva.
Fighting bad breath is not only good news for your nose, but eliminating the bacteria is also good for teeth and gums! To learn more about oral health, give us a call (703) 532-7858
Thursday, November 12, 2015
WOOHOO!! Check it out! You could win this HEALTHY NutriBullet PLUS a $200 GIFT CARD to Whole Foods so you can get fresh, organic fruits and veggies!! The more patients you refer, the more chances you have to win!! REFER TODAY!! We will draw the winner on December 17, 2015.
Limited Time Offer!
Refer a friend, and receive a $25 Visa card AND your friend gets $100 off their services! HURRY offer expires 12/31/15!
For the month of November our patients will receive our "thankful" mug! Our way of expressing our sincere appreciation for allowing us to serve you. We love our patients! More importantly, we hope that your experience with us surpasses all expectations and that you are always pleased with our service! Thanks for choosing us!
Pocket Reduction
When gum disease advances, it can create deep pockets in the gums that harbor bacteria and perpetuate the cycle of gum disease. When these pockets are too large to heal on their own, a pocket reduction procedure is necessary. We can provide pocket reduction for gums so they can heal healthy and disease-free.
In order to clear up gum disease, the bacteria within the gums need to be removed. This is done through a scaling and planing. During this process, the bacteria are removed and the tooth is smoothed down to remove rough spots where bacteria could be hiding. After this is complete, the gums may not go back to normal. Sometimes the deep pockets that were created stick around; which will allow more bacteria to take up residence and continue to disease the gums.
To begin pocket reduction, your dentist will lift the gums up and away so that the deepest bacteria can be reached and removed. After the bacteria are cleared out from the gums and teeth, your dentist will replace the gum tissue so that it is tight against your teeth.
The goal of this procedure is to create a gum line that is natural. It should be loose enough for normal at-home cleaning but tight enough so that bacteria cannot reach deep down.
If you are experiencing red, irritated, painful gums or tooth sensitivity, you may want to schedule an examination. To learn more about gum disease and treatments, call us today! 703-532-7858
In order to clear up gum disease, the bacteria within the gums need to be removed. This is done through a scaling and planing. During this process, the bacteria are removed and the tooth is smoothed down to remove rough spots where bacteria could be hiding. After this is complete, the gums may not go back to normal. Sometimes the deep pockets that were created stick around; which will allow more bacteria to take up residence and continue to disease the gums.
To begin pocket reduction, your dentist will lift the gums up and away so that the deepest bacteria can be reached and removed. After the bacteria are cleared out from the gums and teeth, your dentist will replace the gum tissue so that it is tight against your teeth.
The goal of this procedure is to create a gum line that is natural. It should be loose enough for normal at-home cleaning but tight enough so that bacteria cannot reach deep down.
If you are experiencing red, irritated, painful gums or tooth sensitivity, you may want to schedule an examination. To learn more about gum disease and treatments, call us today! 703-532-7858
Gentle Caring Dentistry
We are a dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles!
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